Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Letter Writing

Letter Writing As An Effective Form of Communication

Summary of Curricular Context: Letter writing is a very important real world skill. As a result of processes like texting and Facebook, students have become accustomed to a form of “slang” writing. Students are provided with a variety of writing opportunities however their writing often lacks formality. This is the problem that this learning experience will address. My potential solution to this problem is to introduce the students to various forms of letter writing and to allow ample opportunities for them to practice/develop their writing using these formats.
Students must have a foundation of knowledge in reading and writing, including a basic knowledge of the rules of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Students must have basic computer skills and be familiar with Microsoft Word. Students must also have experience working with peer evaluation.

Standard / Objectives for Unit or Lesson:
CC.8.W.4 Production and Distribution of Writing: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Lesson Goal: Students will be able to write a friendly letter using the traditional format (heading, greeting, body, and closing).

Enduring Understandings
Understand that letters can be used as a form of communication
Understand that various types of letters can be used in different situations
Understand that effective writing is a result of organization and planning

Essential Questions
What makes for effective communication?
Why is effective communication necessary in our lives?

Friendly letter format
Rules of capitalization and punctuation
Rules of grammar

Using a variety of sentences within writing
Writing clearly and cohesively
Peer editing


  1. I love how your purpose and objectives tie together.
    By learning how to write a letter how will students reach the overarching idea?
    I don't think that teaching them how develop a proper writing format will help them reach the overarching understanding of the importance of writing. Maybe you can include some questions or a mini discussion on why and when people use writing as a form of communication.

  2. I like that you point out the reason for why letter writing is a real world skill that has become somewhat 'lost.' How will they use this skill to relate to the real world? Will you find a different class for pen-pal writing? Or have them write some other form of letter, to know that this is still a form of communication. I think that if you develop or create a final purpose for letter writing it will become more 'real' to students to send a letter.
