Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gagne's Events of Instruction: Finding Exact Locations

Here is the link to the nine events of instruction I have used to design this "educational experience." (The scoring rubric is located at the bottom of that document). Any feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Educational Philosophy

Looking back on the philosophy of education that I wrote while doing my undergrad, I have realized how much I have changed as an educator within just a short amount of time. I have come to believe that the role of the teacher in the classroom is merely a guide, someone to steer the students in the right direction. I believe that the teacher should support the students in all that they do while continuing to challenge them to do their best. I think that the role of the teacher within the classroom is to inspire young minds and to promote lifelong learning. Ultimately it is up to the teacher to set the standard.

Effective teachers have a smorgasbord of qualities. Foremost they have a passion for teaching and learning. They are passionate about each and every student. They are determined to help their students achieve success. They are organized and very mindful about planning however they are also patient, especially when things don’t go as planned. Effective teachers are creative and possess the ability to execute engaging lessons that promote a deep understanding of the material. The same teachers are open-minded to new people, places, things, and ideas. Effective teachers are selfless. They truly have the students’ best interests at heart and are willing to do whatever it takes to push each student to their maximum potential.

When I was growing up I never liked school. It wasn’t until later in my life (after I had taken several twists and turns) when I discovered that I wanted to be a teacher. I realized that as an educator I had the opportunity to change all those things about school that I never liked! I have quickly learned that teaching is not easy. I have also learned that the challenge is one of the things about this profession that I enjoy the most. I challenge myself each and every day to make learning fun while motivating kids to be better students and people.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My First Post

Twenty pieces of uncooked spaghetti. One meter of tape. One meter of string. One marshmallow. If only we had more time to work on our tower...